Are you planning to do something fun this weekend? If you are then you are using your executive functioning skills.
Do you feel it’s almost time to go without looking at the clock? You are using executive functioning.
Are you waiting to share your input until there is a pause? Yep, you guessed in, you are using your executive functioning.
Executive Dysfunction is not a diagnosis recognized in the DMS-V or is it the same as ADHD (Sosnoski, 2022). Executive function is a set of thinking skills required to plan, organize, focus, employ effort, manage emotion, remember, and take action. Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a brain-based challenge in non-interest-based focus, planning, estimation, time-awareness, memory, follow-through. No kidding, Executive Functioning is a challenge with ADHD. But, you don’t have to accept it as is. Executive Functioning (EF) skills develop and strengthen over time with awareness, practice and effort.
Executive Functioning effects daily living in so many ways. One of the hardest and long-lasting is in financial management. Without strategies and practices in place debt can become a heavy burden. April’s ADHD uPLifted series highlights how Money Management and EF go hand-in-hand. Check it out here to find ways to find your financial freedom with your brain working for you not digging you into deeper debt.
Sosnoski, K. (2022, March 25). All About ADHD and Executive Dysfunction. Psych Central; Psych Central. https://psychcentral.com/adhd/adhd-executive-dysfunction#what-it-is

Cynthia North is a Certified ADHD Life Coach with specific training in ADHD neurobiology holding her ACC with the International Coach Federation. She is a PQ Coach Member of Positive Intelligence®. She works to help all-minded people move from crippled in doubt to capable with clarity in knowing how their brain is involved. Her passion is guiding people towards success by empowering others to shine with their abilities through positivity and realized strengths. With the Power of -3- Head, Heart and a Coach Partner people are equipped in themselves to step forward.