Monday starts a new week. What door are you choosing to walk through? Wait a minute, back up. We all know it’s not that easy.
Life is full of doors. Open. Close. Open. Close. And there are windows too that we look out trapped inside wishing we had that greener grass.
What if you took control of living your life? Imagine that. You get to choose and take your steps forward.
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I’m blessed to walk through doors and open windows with my clients every day with small wins and some really giant ones, too. A client texted me not that long ago to share he had had the best day ever in his life! There is a great feeling when you take control of living your life instead of waiting for your life to be lived.
Your next door awaits you. Do you know someone waiting for the doors to open for them? Maybe it’s you. Be the spark that helps take a stand. Life coaching is a beautiful process of honoring yourself and making forward steps in creating your life.
I help people move from crippled in doubt to capable with clarity through positive change from a brain standpoint. EmpowerM3 brings together your three in Me- Heart, Head, and a Coach Partner to get where you want to be.
Cindy North

Cynthia North is a Certified ADHD Life Coach with specific training in ADHD neurobiology holding her ACC with the International Coach Federation. She is a PQ Coach Member of Positive Intelligence®. She works to help all-minded people move from crippled in doubt to capable with clarity in knowing how their brain is involved. Her passion is guiding people towards success by empowering others to shine with their abilities through positivity and realized strengths. With the Power of -3- Head, Heart and a Coach Partner people are equipped in themselves to step forward.

Hi there!
I'm Cindy

I am a Certified ADHD Life Coach with specific training in ADHD neurobiology. I am ACC credentialed with the International Coach Federation. I am also a Certified PQ Coach™ with a mental fitness focus. I am passionate about helping others access their best selves to thrive. Reach out today to learn more about what Life Coaching can do for you.

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Monday starts a new week. What door are you choosing to walk through? Wait a minute, back up. We all know it’s not that easy.
Life is full of doors. Open. Close. Open. Close. And there are windows too that we look out trapped inside wishing we had that greener grass.
What if you took control of living your life? Imagine that. You get to choose and take your steps forward.
EmpowerM3 Logo
I’m blessed to walk through doors and open windows with my clients every day with small wins and some really giant ones, too. A client texted me not that long ago to share he had had the best day ever in his life! There is a great feeling when you take control of living your life instead of waiting for your life to be lived.
Your next door awaits you. Do you know someone waiting for the doors to open for them? Maybe it’s you. Be the spark that helps take a stand. Life coaching is a beautiful process of honoring yourself and making forward steps in creating your life.
I help people move from crippled in doubt to capable with clarity through positive change from a brain standpoint. EmpowerM3 brings together your three in Me- Heart, Head, and a Coach Partner to get where you want to be.
Cindy North

Cynthia North is a Certified ADHD Life Coach with specific training in ADHD neurobiology holding her ACC with the International Coach Federation. She is a PQ Coach Member of Positive Intelligence®. She works to help all-minded people move from crippled in doubt to capable with clarity in knowing how their brain is involved. Her passion is guiding people towards success by empowering others to shine with their abilities through positivity and realized strengths. With the Power of -3- Head, Heart and a Coach Partner people are equipped in themselves to step forward.