Can you feel the fallback? In the U.S., many of us changed our clocks back one hour over the weekend. People say the fallback is easier because you gain an extra hour of sleep. But, that is if you can sleep. I stayed up later than I normally would and still my body told me it was time to get up. Really body, 3:30am. I think not body clock!
It’s going to be a long day!
Are you noticing any of these symptoms? Look deeper into your sleep hygiene? The cycles are necessary.
Getting your zzz’s is key to your wellness. When will sleep become something you honor for your health? Just like brushing your teeth or choosing to exercise.
Want to learn more about sleep? Go to this month’s ADHD uPLifted Series on Sleep. It is packed with sleep-related information, tips and tricks.

Cindy North is a Certified ADHD Life Coach with specific training in ADHD neurobiology through the iACTcenter and is moving towards continued coach certification with the International Coach Federation. Her passion is guiding the ADHD community to success by empowering others to shine with their abilities through positivity and realized strengths.