How much does coaching cost?

My pricing somewhat depends on your needs.  The initial one-and-a-half-hour ADHD Coaching Strategy and Planning Session costs $250.  My one-on-one coaching packages include three months, six months, and a pop-in option. Each package includes either 30-minute, 45-minute, or 20-minute sessions over the phone or through zoom and a unique combination of service bonuses. Suppose you would like the greatest support, along with experiencing the most sustainable change. In that case, you can purchase the 6-month coaching package “Soar” that includes 24 Coaching Sessions, an app-guided mental fitness program, additional unlimited weekday email and text support, assessments, and complimentary curation of resources upon request for $3,820.

You can pay for the Pop-In package upfront in full, or we can divide the payments into multiple monthly payments as needed for the larger packages.

How do I make my payment to you?

Purchasing my services is similar to paying for a membership or retainer fee. I ask that I receive your payment in advance of our sessions. I accept payment by a bank to bank debit transfer using Zelle or through direct invoicing through Quickbooks Payments. To discuss other payment options; please email billing at cindy@empowerM3.com.

What happens if I don’t get the payment to you on time?

Your coaching session will be cancelled if I have not received your payment before our scheduled session. You will be in jeopardy of forfeiting your scheduled appointment date and time until the payment clears. Sessions not used by the end of the coaching agreement will be forfeited unless a new package is purchased to roll them into.

How do I schedule with you?

Your coaching sessions are scheduled with me through an automated system called Calendly. You will receive an email and text message with the link to my schedule. Clients commonly pick a day and time that will work from week to week for consistency. Appointments can be scheduled in advance as you desire.

How do I prepare for our sessions?

Your coaching session is intended to be a scheduled time focused specifically on you. I ask that you have an “agenda or topic” in mind before each session—something you want to work on or create change around. Then, plan to call me or sign in at our scheduled time, take a deep breath, and we will get to work.

Who calls who?

If our sessions are over the phone, you will call me at your appointment time at (859) 455-6156. Currently, many clients choose to use Zoom’s virtual services. If you decide to connect by Zoom, I will send our meeting link to sign in through your computer or smartphone. Let me know what works for you. I am happy to accommodate your needs.

What happens during our calls/sessions?

Coaching is a process of making changes where I will support you in staying focused on your goals and being curious about what you are saying. There doesn’t need to be an intense effort to create noticeable results. Results happen over time and through exploration and discovery. Set the tone that best supports you. Come with something you would like to coach on to each session; I will follow your lead as we explore your obstacles and create new strategies.

What happens if I don’t call/arrive at our appointment time?

If you know you will be more than ten minutes late, please call or text and let me know you are running a bit behind. If you are more than 10 minutes late or miss an appointment without notice, you will forfeit the session and be charged for that session. After 10-minutes, you are considered a no-show. Appointment reminders are sent automatically both 24 hours and 1 hour prior by email, and texted 15 minutes in advance. 

What happens on holidays, vacations, or if I miss a session?

I do not offer session availability on major Holidays. If you have an emergency, please call as soon as you realize there is a conflict. I completely understand these situations occur. Please give me at least a 24-hour notice if you know you will need to miss a session. Without 24-hour notice, you will be charged for your session. After 10-minutes, you are considered a No-Show for your appointment. No-shows will not be rescheduled. 

Why do I need to take “action steps” between our calls?

“Coaching work” is designed to help you take the actions or continue making the shifts between appointments that will move you to the next level. Spending time focused on your goals between our sessions keeps the coaching with you throughout the week. Doing the coaching work helps you progress faster than you would without it.

What happens if I don’t complete the coaching work?

If you don’t complete it, notice that you didn’t and let me know if you want to talk about this at our session. DO NOT be hard on yourself or feel you need to make excuses or apologize to me. I am your Coach, not your teacher, therapist, or parent. I am here to help you meet your personal identified goals and help you finally make the changes you want in your life.

What if I want to email or text you between calls?

I encourage you to check in with me between appointments. It is my privilege to provide this extra level of service. Text exchanges are intended for quick check in’s and not to have a full conversation. I do ask that you keep email messages to one paragraph (less than 500 words). If my response takes longer than a paragraph to answer, I will ask you to bring your thought to our next coaching session. Save more involved coaching issues for our appointments where we can work through them adequately. I will return your texts and emails as soon as possible. All text messages and emails after 6 pm EST are returned the next day and as timely as possible.

How long does coaching take?

The duration of coaching depends upon individual needs. Most of my clients work with me for 6 months. That time frame will allow us to establish a solid foundation, thoroughly identify your challenges and strengths, design and practice new strategies and habits, experience progress, and create lasting change. My goal is to empower you, not enable you. Typically clients experience the most results the longer we work together. However, you will still benefit significantly from new strategies and solutions, even if you decide on a shorter coaching package.

What happens to unused sessions?

Our coaching agreement is set for a specific time frame. You may be eligible to extend your agreement by written request if you are unable to use all of your prepaid sessions in the agreed-upon timeframe due to change of life circumstances. Your written request must state your need and the date you wish to extend your agreement until. All requests must be submitted before the conclusion of your agreement. Unused sessions are set to expire on the last date of your agreement. One extension may be granted per coaching package.

Email request to cindy@empowerM3.com

More Questions? No problem! Email: cindy@empowerM3.com

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