ADHD Life Coaching With Positive Influence.​

Life is for exploring, not just what is out there, but what is inside your heart and mind.

ADHD Life Coaching with Coach Cindy helps you discover your next steps towards soaring. Become empowered by the Power of 3- Head, Heart and a Coach Partner invested in your desired destination. 

ADHD Life Coaching With Positive Influence.

Life is for exploring, not just what is out there, but what is inside your heart and mind.

ADHD Life Coaching with Coach Cindy helps you discover your next steps toward soaring. Become empowered by the Power of 3- Head, Heart, and a Coach Partner invested in your desired destination. 

Who am I?

My name is Cynthia North, but people know me as Cindy. I am ACC Certified Life Coach with the ICF as a Certified ADHD Life Coach (CALC) and a Certified PQ Coach™ with Positive Intelligence®. I am devoted to partnering with clients to create self-success within ADHD and living life. 

I work with all ages having a special interest in how the brain affects the outcome. I help ADHDers and stuck people move from crippled in doubt to capable with clarity. I have expanded to offer personalized Mental Fitness Coaching through Shirzad Chamine’s Positive Intelligence® Program. 

I have an innate desire to empower others no matter what difficulties they face with or without ADHD. I believe everyone is worthy of stepping forward out of stuck.

Who am I?

My name is Cynthia North, but people know me as Cindy. I am ACC Certified Life Coach with the ICF as a Certified ADHD Life Coach (CALC) and a trained PQ Coach™ member with Positive Intelligence® devoted to partnering with clients to create self-success within ADHD and living life. 

I work with all ages having a special interest in how the brain affects the outcome. I help ADHDers and stuck people move from crippled in doubt to capable with clarity. I have expanded to offer personalized Mental Fitness Coaching through Shirzad Chamine’s Positive Intelligence® Program. 

I have an innate desire to empower others no matter what difficulties they face with or without ADHD. I believe everyone is worthy of stepping forward out of stuck.

What is ADHD life coaching?

How often do you feel stuck? Is your mind racing with thoughts no one around you would get? Is your body in motion all the time?

Do you lose your motivation if you’re not interested in the task at hand? Have you been called lazy, stupid, or hyper? Do you have a sign on your back that says “trouble”? Do you forget where you put essential items like your keys or your homework? Is what you need left somewhere else? Are you the one rushing into school or work frazzled and appearing chaotic?

ADHD or not, are you living your best life with true happiness? Coaching helps you find your way to ease and flow.


Life coaching is the air under your wings giving you the lift you need to reach new heights. Learning to fly is first knowing what you were designed to be. Discovering how your brain works empowers you to flap your wings on purpose. 


- Coach Cindy


Life coaching is the air under your wings giving you the lift you need to reach new heights. Learning to fly is first knowing what you were designed to be. Discovering how your brain works empowers you to flap your wings on purpose. 

- Coach Cindy

Strengthening Your Mental Fitness

 through Positive Intelligence®

Life Coaching with Coach Cindy Offers New Insights Into Your

There's a Hack For That

You can hack your “take action” by clicking here for your complimentary go-to list with ten “ADHD Friendly Action-Oriented Life Hacks” that will help you live your best life easier.

you are invited

You can hack your “take action” by clicking here for your complimentary go-to list with ten “ADHD Friendly Action-Oriented Life Hacks” that will help you live your best life easier.

Mission Statement.

The mission of EmpowerM3 is to partner in the life coaching process with individuals and families affected by ADHD or ADHD-like symptoms to reduce life challenges by creating space for powerful positive self-discovery and enriched self-awareness.

EmpowerM3 Logo

Vision Statement.

EmpowerM3 envisions all Individuals living fully capable lives equipped with tools and strategies uniquely designed through the self-discovery made in the partnership created between coach and client.


EmpowerM3 Life Coaching Services provided by Coach Cindy offers a safe and supportive space for individuals to become future-focused with their needs in mind. Cindy holds her ACC certification with the International Coaching Federation and is a certified ADHD Life Coach. She has focused training in Mental Fitness as a Certified PQ Coach™ following the Positive Intelligence® program created by Shirzad Chamine. 

Coach Cindy helps people move from crippled in doubt to capable with clarity. Her passion is guiding people who are struggling towards success by empowering them to shine with their abilities and realized strengths. Through a paired focus on Life Coaching and a positive mindset, clients are able to transition towards a happier more fulfilled daily life. EmpowerM3 offers traditional Life Coaching Services by phone or zoom video call with packages tailored towards desired needs and goals.

ADHD Women: Moving From Chaos to Clarity

Cindy North and Meg Svensson, dive into a six-week-long group coaching engagement designed specifically for ADHD women. Each session will highlight an ADHD woman-centric topic offering nuggets and takeaways from the collective group. From hormones to societal expectations- women experience unique challenges in life with ADHD.

ADHD Support Group

Understanding the unique challenges that come with navigating life as an adult with ADHD, I'm excited to invite you to join our supportive community in person the first Wednesday of every month at 1390 Olivia Lane, Lexington, KY and online the third Wednesday of every month.

This support group is brought to you by CHADD(Children and Adults with ADHD), EmpowerM3 LLC, and Making It Work with ADHD.

What Clients are Saying.

What Clients are Saying.

What is ADHD?

ADHD is a chemical imbalance in the brain. Doctors believe ADHD symptoms are due to decreased levels of the brain chemical dopamine.

ADHD is not lazy, spacy or forgetful. Thomas Brown identified six critical areas of executive function: activation, focus, effort, emotion, memory, and action.

Dopamine is necessary to successfully carry out any of these six key executive functioning areas. Without proper levels of dopamine ADHD symptoms like working memory problems, lack of motivation, hyper-focus, and more set hold. As unique as each person is, so too are ADHD symptoms unique to each person.


looking for answers?

Give yourself the gift that keeps giving by signing up to be the first to receive my monthly “uPLifted Series” mindfully curated to tackle the struggles and bring awareness with ways to create ease and flow in your life.

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