By: Cynthia North, CALC, ACC

Date: June 10, 2022

The human brain is like a plastic battery. Before you dive into summer with your big plans, look at what you are currently doing in your day.
What you do throughout the day and night can be helpful information in creating the positive change you are seeking. Brainpower is either charged or drained by the thoughts and actions occurring throughout the day.
So how do you weigh in with these key areas?
Looking for ways to tap into your genius? Check out this month’s ADHD uPLifted Series for tips, tricks and strategies.
Thanks for your attention. -Coach Cindy

Hi there!
I'm Cindy

I am a Certified ADHD Life Coach with specific training in ADHD neurobiology. I am ACC credentialed with the International Coach Federation. I am also a Certified PQ Coach™ with a mental fitness focus. I am passionate about helping others access their best selves to thrive. Reach out today to learn more about what Life Coaching can do for you.

Most Recent

By: Cynthia North, CALC, ACC

Date: June 10, 2022

The human brain is like a plastic battery. Before you dive into summer with your big plans, look at what you are currently doing in your day.
What you do throughout the day and night can be helpful information in creating the positive change you are seeking. Brainpower is either charged or drained by the thoughts and actions occurring throughout the day.
So how do you weigh in with these key areas?
Looking for ways to tap into your genius? Check out this month’s ADHD uPLifted Series for tips, tricks and strategies.
Thanks for your attention. -Coach Cindy