
By: Cindy North
How often are you your worst critic? Hearing voices from the past. Listening to old stories and holding old beliefs in your head.
Maybe you have seen the person sitting with a flower picking petals one by one saying, “Love me” then to the next, “Love me, not” and around the flower they go until the last one is plucked. It is by chance that they believe this time is “Love Me” or maybe by chance it fell to “Love me, not.”
Imagine the two feelings. One is positive with a smile and glee. The other is negative with hopelessness and sorrow. What if it is not by chance that you get to choose to embrace “Love Me”?
One small step at a time you can build awareness within yourself and grow the strengths and gifts you may secretively withhold. Let go of the stigma surrounding your struggles. Meet challenges head-on with coping skills and strategies. Choose your best you.
Sometimes we just need someone to believe in us. Someone to listen without intentions. Life Coaching offers that space to bloom into who you are with a person who questions without bias. “What does it mean to you to choose “self-love?”
Choose “Love Me” and set forth towards your strengths.


Hi there!
I'm Cindy

My name is Cynthia North, but most people call me Cindy. I am a Certified ADHD Life Coach with specific training in ADHD neurobiology and Positive Intelligence holding my PCC with the International Coach Federation.

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By: Cindy North
How often are you your worst critic? Hearing voices from the past. Listening to old stories and holding old beliefs in your head.
Maybe you have seen the person sitting with a flower picking petals one by one saying, “Love me” then to the next, “Love me, not” and around the flower they go until the last one is plucked. It is by chance that they believe this time is “Love Me” or maybe by chance it fell to “Love me, not.”
Imagine the two feelings. One is positive with a smile and glee. The other is negative with hopelessness and sorrow. What if it is not by chance that you get to choose to embrace “Love Me”?
One small step at a time you can build awareness within yourself and grow the strengths and gifts you may secretively withhold. Let go of the stigma surrounding your struggles. Meet challenges head-on with coping skills and strategies. Choose your best you.
Sometimes we just need someone to believe in us. Someone to listen without intentions. Life Coaching offers that space to bloom into who you are with a person who questions without bias. “What does it mean to you to choose “self-love?”
Choose “Love Me” and set forth towards your strengths.