May's 2024 uPLifted Series written by Cindy North, Certified ADHD Life Coach addresses Stress.

Permission to Interrupt: A Guide to Interrupting the Stress Cycle- An uPLifted Series- May 2024

If you are looking for why choosing to interrupt stress is crucial, this one offers it. And, yes, especially when you have ADHD. ADHD and stress is a bad combination. If you want ideas that are outside the box to detox from cortisol, the stress hormone, this one offers that, too. I’m going to let May’s ADHD uPLifted hold its own light with hopes that you will gain a nugget or two to help bring you into a more joyful place.

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Open the Door to Self-Compassion Cover Page

Open the Door to Self-Compassion- An uPLifted Series- February 2024

Self-compassion is the magic potion for deepening relationships and coping with life’s struggles. It is also one of the most challenging practices when you are stuck in the negative narrative running repeat in your head. In this article, I will explain why it is essential to strengthen self-compassion when you have Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and offer five practices you can employ to put a safety door in place with self-compassion practices.

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uPLifted Series on Harnessing Motivation for ADHDers

Harness Motivation- An uPLifted Series- January 2024

It’s time you understand what’s involved in motivation so you can get sh^t done! Motivation is a brain thing. It’s time to understand what is different for the ADHD brain. For individuals with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), feeling motivated can be a real problem. If you have ADHD, you’ve likely been painted with the L-word- “LAZY.” Or you may know someone who struggles with ADHD. Perhaps you have thought or shared with them just how lazy they are. What if it is something else and not lazy at all? What if ADHDers weren’t painted with the broad-stroked brush of Lazy?

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December uPLifted Series showcasing ADHD Strengths

ADHD- A Different Gift- An uPLifted Series- December 2023

Having an ADHD brain style creates challenges and requires designing daily living differently. I take a strengths approach to coaching. What strengths do you see in yourself or those you know who are affected by ADHD? You may be a parent, caregiver, sibling, friend, or boss touched by ADHD. What if strengths drew the spotlight instead of all the weaknesses and deficits? The following page highlights twenty-five potential strengths associated with an ADHD brain style.

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uPLifted Series Cover Page

ADHD Un-Masking- An uPLifted Series- November 2023

ADHD masking is commonly adopted to fit into the demands of the neurotypical world. ADHD masking can become a debilitating coping mechanism in which ADHDers camouflage and use strategies to compensate in an attempt to hide ADHD symptoms. Masking occurs to fit in where standing out is not acceptable.

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Hi there!
I'm Cindy

I am a Certified ADHD Life Coach with specific training in ADHD neurobiology. I am ACC credentialed with the International Coach Federation. I am also a Certified PQ Coach™ with a mental fitness focus. I am passionate about helping others access their best selves to thrive. Reach out today to learn more about what Life Coaching can do for you.

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No one told me having boundaries was part of having good self-care. I had to learn it long after wearing every hat I believed showed I was worthy. It took being exhausted and worn to start building my fortress. Having had a false sense of what having boundaries meant, I know how it feels to wear yourself so thin. To say, “no” felt like a failure. It took learning that boundaries were a part of my self-care to be truly whole. My choice to be healthy with boundaries didn’t make me less than.

 My journey has led me to help others find and form their own healthy boundaries. Often this occurs through deepening awareness and discovering yourself. Coaching provides a safe platform for this discovery. Boundary work is healthy, normal, and necessary!